Saturday, November 21, 2009

Polu U ssd205 Red Team , presentation trial .


location : OZ limited
class : Poly U , Red team team members

1 comment:

cow said...

nowsdays d children reaaly ho "han-fok" ar, everyone has a mac pro laptop and iphone~ haa, long long time no see la, papa, how are u?!! it seems that you forget to mention stella wor, how's she now?? also ar Wai lei, is he doing fine with schooling now?? Now you finally find out Poly students are the BEST la! I'm so glad to be one of them, haaaa

Is you house revamped again?? isn't non stop revamping ga?? It seems that I heard about it since the day we met!!!

The merry-go-around is really lovely ar, can it move? would you offer me a ride on it??? it brings back my childhood ar! I'd really love to escape from my life now, it's exhausting. It's like a disaster every where now on my job, and i really lose my nerves on it la, so crazy~

oh, i saw my hardwriting on the postcard, my God, it's so ugly! next time, i may have it written with a good hand if i can, heee, how's Danis now, we seldom contact also, and i always loose my temper on him once we talk, i'm so sorry about it... and thomas, next time you gotta introduce to me, i've no idea how he is so far! haaa

it's coming to the end of 2009 la, and I start my Xmas carols practice again this year, and soon I'll bless you for a good fortune for the year to come and you gotta prepare me a nice red-pocket bor!! Don't forget~~

always lovely daugther misses you lei